When you have so much work to be done, and it is all done on the fly with no
- Standards and Manual Work, the priority of tasks keeps changing. Do this now, no stop that and do this. You are constantly
- Task switching. This leads to
- Partially done work. Nothing gets really completed on time. Everything gets late. The customer is
- Waiting for their solution longer. Since it takes so long to get to the customer, and we are under the pump, we make mistakes, cut corners, this introduces
- Defects that need to be fixed. The buggy code goes back to development, then testing, then UAT again, it is constantly in
- Motion. The software is so buggy. we introduce gated changes and procedures and other
- Extra Processes to prevent issues. The deadline looms. Nothing is complete, everyone stays back late into the night and they work weekends. Their
- Heroics is astounding. We finally ship. We planned everything up front. Did everything the customer initially specified. Oh no! they didn’t really need those
- Extra Features that we spent months building. It had no business value, it was just a nice to have.