Category Archives: Guest Posting

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What Is Emotional Intelligence?

Another guest posting from our friends at Tenfold. This one is on Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is ones ability to recognize emotions within themselves or within others.  It is the ability to use emotional queues to guide thoughts, behaviors and actions.  Emotional Intelligence is being seen as another form of intelligence and can be measured similar to IQ (Intelligence Quotient) called EQ (Emotional Quotient).

Emotional intelligence was coined in a paper by Michael Belodoch, Clinical Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at Cornell University. It became a buzzword by Daniel Goleman in his book Emotional Intelligence published in 1995.

In the book, Goleman claims that EI matters more than technical expertise when it comes to job performance and leadership.

I suggest you read the full article on the Tenfold Website.


14 Persuasive Words And Phrases

Here is another interesting post from our friends at Tenfold.

Its an interesting list of 14 words and phrases that can be used to help with a sale, but I think could be used in more general when trying to be persuasive to someone. I’ll have to give it a go in the new year.


Show the advantage of your offering over competing offerings, how it can improve and help. People like to gain an edge generally. You need to show the value and back it up with case studies or statistics.


Everyone wants to be amazed. The word tugs on the emotional strings and encourages action. People don’t generally want something ‘good’, they want something that will ‘wow’ them, especially if they are paying a premium. But remember not to oversell it. Its better to under promise and overachieve then over promise and over achieve. So use the word sparingly.


There is always something people try to avoid. Be it loss, complexity, the unknown or trouble. We want to avoid risk. So show how risk can be avoided. People are more interested if you can show protection against going backwards from the status quo.


This is an interesting one. An experiment (See the post on Tenfold for the link) was done where the experimented wanted to use a copy machine first to make copies for himself before the person who wanted to use the machine at the time.

The experimented made a request using 1 of 3 scripts.

  1. Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the photo copier?
  2. Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the photo copier, because I have to make copies?
  3. Excuse me, I have 5 pages, May I use the photo copier, because I’m in a rush?

With the first line, they got 60% compliance. With the second, they got 93% compliance with the request, and with the third line, they got 94%. The study concluded that the word ‘because’ was the key differentiator in getting a stranger to comply with the request. The mere fact that a reason was conveyed, even if no information was given is enough to receive a specific outcome.


People love new things, and having exclusivity can grab peoples attention. The first look at a new product. Just look at how much interest rumors of  the new iPhone spread. If someone believes that being first is in their advantage, they are likely to listen.


People want solutions to their problems,, When you suggest you have a “fix” for their issue, you can have a captive audience. But remember, in order for them to have loyalty, you need to live up to their expectations, otherwise things can backfire.


Dan Ariely insists that zero has a special price. People become more interested in free. They just have to have it. I’m no exception. I have a Udemy account full of free courses. Most of which I probably will never get around to starting, yet alone completing. But I must have them – just in case. Free gives a no or little risk option, so why not grab it – just in case.

I don’t know

I lot of people try to avoid this phrase. I know that I was taught never to say this phrase, but being honest and simply saying “I don’t know” can be used to build trust for the simple reason you are being honest rather than trying to guess or make something up. Simply admitting although sometimes embarrassing, that you have a gap in your knowledge eliminates the risk of having to backpedal on your words at a later point if you are wrong.


If someone has an understanding on how they will implement something, they will be more likely to agree to having or using that something rather than not. If you imagine the need for something, you are more likely to want it rather than be persuaded if you don’t.


Everyone wants something sooner. Time is too short to wait. By creating a sense of urgency without aggressive pressure, people are more likely to agree sooner rather than weeks or months later.

Just by simply asking for example “What would you do if you had this now?” or similar, you are planting the seed of urgency.


Everyone is cost conscious. So, showing how you can save money, save time or trouble can be seen as a win for the person. This can be similar to “Free”


When you think of simple, you think that there is a small or non-existent learning curve. When it is simple, people are more open to the idea, but be careful if there is a sting. For example, Scrum is simple to Understand – but difficult to Master.


Sometimes people want to try something different. Some on the other hand do not like to deviate from the status quo. A lot of people like to show their individuality, if you show them how they would be different to the rest, some people are willing to listen.


We is a very powerful word. It shows that we are all in the same situation. We share the same, we are together. It puts in a team oriented mindset. Other words like “our”, “together” and “us” also have the same meaning.

Words like “I” or “Your” or “You” take on an adversarial structure. “You should do this” for example. This invites aggression type tendencies back making it hard to be more persuasive.

7 Things Smart People Don’t Say

Here is an interesting Blog post again from Tenfold.

Its Sales Coaching Advice: 7 Things Smart Salespeople Don’t Say.

I likes this post not because its specific to Sales People, but because its is good advice overall.

The 7 things Smart People Don’t Say are

  1. “It Wasn’t Me” – Don’t pass the blame, or point out other peoples mistakes.  Provide a solution to the problem.
  2. “I Hate This Job” – This is something I need to take heed. You may think it, but don’t say it. Brush your resume off and look for something new. BTW, my linked in profile is here 😉
  3. “He/She Shouldn’t Have Done It Like That” – Analyzing someone else’s performance isn’t bad, but if you have nothing constructive to add, then it takes away morale. In these situations, its better to say nothing at all.
  4. “I’ll Try” – As Yoda says, “Do or do not, there is no Try”. Just give it your best effort.
  5. “This question is probably dumb, but…” – The only stupid question is the one that goes unasked. Also, don’t discourage people from asking questions by saying it is a stupid question. Better they ask and get straight then hold their mouth and be ignorant.
  6. “But that is how we’ve always done it!” – This is one of the most destructive phrases for innovation. It kills ideas. All this phrase does is promote stagnation and mediocrity.
  7. “Life Isn’t Fair” – No kidding. Get over it, under it, around it or straight through it. Try to overcome the problems and challenges.

Again, good advice from our friends at Tenfold.

Act Now, Ask Later

We have another guest posing from Tenfold.

i was recently watching a talk I found on YouTube on “Douglas Hubbard” from “How to Measure Anything” and he was talking about having too many data points when making decisions.

He was talking about how bookies with two pieces of information would make a prediction. This would become a baseline. Given 4 or 5 data points their accuracy would go up slightly more.

But given 8 or more pieces of data, their prediction would actually get worse, but their confidence in their predictions gets better.

According to the Tenfold Article, with Agile, you “Need to be comfortable with vague or contradictory information”. In other words, incomplete information. You will actually make better decisions, faster decisions and thus lead your team to success.

I suggest reading the original article at Tenfold to see how Agile can help with sales.