IT was only a few posts ago that I was saying that if you increase the scope, decrease the schedule or keep it fixed and then keep the resources and budget the same, quality suffers. Well, after taking my CSM course and learning a bit more, I don’t think that this can be always the case. It may be at first, but if you regularly learn from the experience, as you should be doing during retrospectives (that’s if you do retrospectives which I think are a great idea) then you should be getting better every iteration. You should be trying to improve every time, doing something different. Try to automate, try to determine what is important, improve the value stream and I think speed doesn’t become a problem.
I have the following analogy. Say you have a craftsman working on a sculpture. It can take months to finish. If you get them to hurry, say, do the sculpture in 3 days, the sculpture would get a lot more messy. But if you take the same sculpture, 3D render it, then put it through a 3D printer, then potentially you could make the same sculpture in a day. With the same or even better quality than a craftsman with months of work. Another analogy is a racing car driver. They may start with bad times around the track, but with every race, they learn more. How to handle the car better. Get a better car. Get more experience, get more practice and eventually with any luck start wining races.
In my ignorant opinion, the same can be said with Agile projects. The more practice you get, the better tools you get such as automated testing, automated deployment. Start cutting down your documentation to the bare essentials, or even change the way you do your documentation. The faster you can get. The only problem is the lead time and the willingness to keep trying to improve. Saying that, in the short term though, I still stand by my previous post.