Category Archives: News

Technical Difficulties

Apologies for the technical difficulties we had with the site over the last few days.

I decided to install Ruby and it clobbered the site. I didn’t realize until now.

We are back up and running, we haven’t gone away.

Thank you for your patience.



I’m Still Here…

Its been a while since I posted an article here, that is because I have been writing articles for other blogs.

As my previous post, you can see that “How Do You Measure Productivity?” was posted under the Scrum Alliance.

I also have a couple of posts under DZone’s Agile Zone which will be added to this site in the next few days.

In other news, I passed my PSM I exam. So now I hold both the CSM and PSM I Certifications.

Lunchtime Meetup Tomorrow

I almost forgot, Elabor8 have another lunch time meetup tomorrow at 12.

I like these meetups because they are at a great time of day. Lunchtime. Other meetups at 6PM or later are a little hard to get to when your wife works at nights and you have a 4yo to take care of while she is working.